
Carson area Trees

The Carson area of the Eastern Sierra is home to many beautiful trees. Several varieties are more common to the area and are often chosen for landscaping simply because they are commonly utilized. To promote diversity in the trees of our area other varieties might be chosen, and to assist in achieving the form and color desired the following table provides the common tree and alternate choices providing similar characteristics.

Common Trees in Carson City

  • Siberian elm
  • Silver maple
  • Flowering plum
  • Crabapple
  • Flowering pear
  • Austrian pine
  • Arborvitae
  • Russian olive
  • Alternate Trees to Promote Diversity

  • Bur oak, zelkova, Chinese elm
  • American linden, Tulip tree, sycamore
  • Hedge maple or ginko
  • Eastern redbud
  • Flowering cherry
  • Serviceberry, Lavelle hawthorn, tree lilac
  • Arizona Cypress or Yew
  • Paperbark maple or Golden Rain tree
  • For a description of these and other trees, including common problems, visit

    Did You Know That Carson City is Home to The Following 25 Nevada Champion Trees?

  • Quaking aspen
  • Rock elm
  • Japanese Pagoda tree
  • Weeping giant sequoia
  • Kentucky coffee tree
  • European larch
  • Arborvitae
  • Russian olive
  • Scouler Willow
  • American basswood (linden)
  • Cut-leaf Weeping birch
  • Boxelder
  • California red fir
  • Common hackberry
  • Eastern White pine
  • Monterrey/Knobcone pine
  • Norway spruce
  • American sycamore
  • American elm
  • Common horsechestnut
  • Columnar English Oak
  • Osage Orange
  • Sagebrush
  • Black walnut
  • Scouler Willow
  • Silver Maple
  • Sugar Maple
  • What is a Champion Tree?

    img The Nevada Division of Forestry's State Big Tree Program is looking for the largest tree of every native and introduced species found growing in Nevada. Nevada's Big Tree program is patterned after the American Forestry Association's 'National Champion Trees' program which recognizes the biggest tree of every species growing in the United States and encourages their preservation. Nevada's program, started in 1992, is a chance to show that not only does Nevada have trees, but has large trees of many different species. Nominations are accepted year-around and an updated Nevada Big Tree List is published every two to three years. There are many champion trees in Nevada still waiting to be discovered. For instructions on "how to measure", downloadable nomination forms, and lists of current Champion Trees, visit